[1] Introduction

Ahoj! Hi! Hallo! Salut! Qué tal! Здравствуй! 你好 やあ Ciao! Oi! 안녕 Halløj! Hujambo! Hoi! Yassou! Cześć! Hai! Selam! היי
I'm Jaro –
multimedia creative focused on
graphic design, web & photography

[2] Clients

Katarína Vavrová, Úľuv, Národné osvetové centrum, Moela, Moyo for Kids, KUW Gallery, GATE, Miss Slovensko, Komplexne, Interwood, Miss Liptov and others

[4] About

Hi there. I’m JAROSLAV DVORSKÝ – freelance DESIGNER  focused on GRAPHIC DESIGN, PHOTOGRAPHY, and development of WEBSITES. Besides my work I enjoy spending time in my dark room developing analog film and photos, collecting old stained-glass vases, drinking tasty water, watching movies, that others don’t like, or listening to some good rock music.

[5] Jobs & Skills
  • freelance since 2017
  • main practice with vector graphics, poster, magazine and book design
  • working with Adobe CC & Affinity
  • freelance since 2017
  • worked as lecturer of photography workshops
  • main genre: fashion, commercial, documentary
  • working with both digital and analog
  • using darkroom film and photo development mostly with 35mm color and B&W film
  • used software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom and Affinity Photo, Silverfast 8
  • freelance since 2015
  • prototyping with Figma, designing in Elementor, coding with HTML, CSS3 and Javascript
  • managing with WordPress
  • 2020 – present
  • production, implementation and technical assistance in the creation of theater productions
Phone: 00421 904 038 176
E-mail: mail@jaroslavdvorsky.com
Location: Bratislava / Žilina / Ružomberok, Slovakia

Get in touch